"If you are familiar with the current
arguments opposing routine infant circumcision, you are already aware
that babies experience a severe amount of pain when circumcised, the
foreskin serves a protective and useful purpose as it covers the more
delicate glans, cleanliness of the intact penis is an extremely simple
matter, some babies experience serious complications of the operation,
any diseases that circumcision has been purported to "prevent"
(such as penile cancer) can easily be prevented by non-surgical means,
and that babies are human beings with inalienable rights including freedom
from unnecessary pain and body alteration.
However, some Christian parents, even
after hearing and taking this information to heart, may still retain
a feeling that circumcision must be a good thing to do simply because
of its association with the Bible. Somehow for many people (at least
in North America) the word 'circumcised' sounds good. Therefore, many
facts, as directly concern Christians, must be examined more closely."
we are...
The Acts 15 website is
produced by an informal network of Christians from all sides of the
church. Our denominations, stories, and theological details vary widely,
but our common concern is informing Christian parents about the realities
of the circumcision decision. We include lay people and clergy; male
and female; Catholic & Protestant; Orthodox, fundamentalist, evangelical,
and liberal; American, Canadian, and more!
We encourage and educate one another
through an intactivist web community known as Galatians 5.
Questions and comments sent to Acts 15 will be answered
by whichever of our members is best suited to understanding your particular
concern or perspective.
write us...
You may contact us via our
moderator at acts15@acts15.net